Tuesday 22 August 2017

Matters numerological, astrological, and astronomical - and stone circles

The Editor's friend Junitta is an artist living in Gippsland in Victoria.  We met some years ago on an interfaith journey to the Murray River.  Junitta's spiritual leanings take a different path from that of The Editor and The Editor does not pretend to have the fullest grasp of that which Junitta espouses - but is always pleased to receive her informative emails which tell of the current situation with matters numerological, astrological and astronomical.

The Editor once would not have paid attention to this sort of material but, in her increasing years and her increasing knowledge and respect for the created universe, she no longer readily dismisses these matters.

Here is the latest email ... forwarding another email:

I have many of Neil’s Books, all excellent, well researched and full of the wonders that people of that time achieved. Definitely not smelly, skin clad or ignorant folk as depicted in so many so called documentaries.

The mathematics and geometry are brilliant.

Although Neil doesn’t mention it, there is a correlation with sound connecting Stone Circles all around the world. 

This use of sound was known to many Indigenous peoples eg There is an Astrological Gong in Great Zimbabwe. It is a small group of three stone slabs, the tops are cut at an angle. There is a corresponding group of Stones in the Orkneys, called the Stones of Stennes they are a huge ‘replica’ of the African Gong!!
When will the Rock Concert begin?


From: Neil L. Thomas [mailto:enjaytom@bigpond.com]
Sent: Friday, 18 August 2017 11:35 AM

Subject: StonehengeHeritage&History.book

Greetings Everyone,
The attached is today’s fully complete and all that copy of my “Stonehenge Heritage & History” book, 48 pages A4, 16,000 words and lots of pictures.
It is my intention have a book publisher market it at the Stonehenge visitor centre, a throughput of a million visitors a year. Cross your fingers for me.
Diolch, tak, thanks, merci,  Neil, xxx

STONEHENGE HERITAGE & HISTORY concerns the history of Stonehenge ancient monument in southern England and the people who built it. Living in Britain in the third millennium BC, people were thinking, clever, constructive and hard working folk who possessed knowledge and skills previously unknown to and not appreciated by today’s generations of historians. This book explains how arithmetic, geometry, linear measurements, geometric principles were well established and consistently employed in the design and construction of Stonehenge and its contemporary surrounding ancient monuments over a wide area. Stonehenge Age 2500 BC buildings tallied both Sun and Moon calendars, the ability to forecast the next lunar total eclipse cycles every 18 years and 11 days. 
            An apocalyptic event about 2240 BC caused a decades long world –wide climatic change. Communities eventually recovered by 2000 BC with the inauguration of the Bronze Age. In the architectural traditions of Stonehenge an application of the progressive arithmetic series; previously the ‘Fibonacci Series’ is seen as the core design basis of the two monuments. one plus two equals the third number -  1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610,987,1597. The Cursus ancient monument feature to the north has direct links with Stonehenge. Stonehenge can rightly be termed the world’s first university. Its successor in time is Parliament House, Canberra, Australia and the façade viewed across the lake.

Editor's Note:  Please go here for beautiful pictures and commentary regarding the Standing Stones of Stenness in the Orkneys.

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